Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in the year 2010 since the inception of Peri Institute of Technology, with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science. The Department offers the four years Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) program and the 2 years Master of Engineering (M.E.) program.
The prime focus of our department is to enhance the students to extend and strengthen the ability to develop and sustain the transformative system to create future leaders. With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation, the department has produced and trying to produce quality professionals, holding important positions in Information Technology industry. On keeping with the spirit of the rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation, the department stresses on nurturing the talent of students for top industries across the globe, for pursuing higher studies and R&D in National and International Universities. Students can show off their technical talents and team works through various events organized by the students clubs SPINAETOS, IoT Club and CSI Student Chapter.
Well qualified and experienced faculties form the backbone of the department. The department has faculty pursuing Doctorate Ph.D. in upgrading areas like Cloud computing, IOT, Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Digital Transaction etc.
The vision of the department is to prepare industry-ready competent professionals with moral values by imparting scientific knowledge and skill-based education.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. | Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
2. | Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
3. | Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
4. | Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
5. | Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. |
6. | The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
7. | Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
8. | Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. |
9. | Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
10. | Communication:. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. |
11. | Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. |
12. | Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
1. | To analyze, design and develop computing solutions by applying foundational concepts of Computer Science and Engineering. |
2. | To apply software engineering principles and practices for developing quality software for scientific and business applications |
3. | To adapt to emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems. |
S.No | Name of the Company Visited | Class | Date of Visit |
1 | Pumo Technovation India Pvt Ltd | II | 30.08.2022 & 03.09.2022 |
2 | Sansbound Solution Pvt. Ltd | IV | 13.09.2022 & 14.09.2022 |
S.No | Name of the Company Visited | Class | Date of Visit |
1 | Kaashiv infotech | III | 29.04.2022 |
2 | Axis Global Automation | II | 09.05.2022 & 10.05.2022 |
S.No | Name of the Company Visited | Class | Date of Visit |
1 | Nil |
S.No | Name of the Company Visited | Class | Date of Visit |
1 | Pantech ProEd Pvt Ltd | II | 19.08.2019 & 20.08.2019 |
S.No | Regulation |
1 | R - 2013 |
2 | R - 2017 |
3 | R - 2021 |
S.No | Name of the Laboratory | Major Equipment Software/Hardware |
1 | IOT Lab | Hardwares: Arduinouno,nano,mega,Raspberry pi,IR Sensor,ultrasound sensor, moisture senor,smoke sensor, motionsensor, servomotor, Gearmotor, Motor driver, Temperature sensor,LCD display for Arduino,Relay module,LED lights, resistors, buttons,12v to 5v step down buck converter DC to DC,Battery lead acid battery 12v,Bluetooth module,Node MCU esp8266,esp32 camera module Softwares: Arduino IDE |
2 | Project Lab | JDK,Netbeans/Eclipse,Python,Django, Anaconda(IDLE),R-language,Android Studio OS,MAT Lab,MySQL,XAMPP System) software and Tanner software. |
S.No | Academic Year | Company Name |
1 | 2022-2023 | VEI Technologies Infycle Technologies |
2 | 2021-22 | Pantech Solutions BSNL Adhithya Infomedia Prince Infotech Kaashiv Infotech |
3 | 2020-21 | Accubits Technologies Pvt.Ltd Aquapure plus Pvt.Ltd Intellect Design Arena Worksbot Application Pvt.Ltd Infomedia Technologies PERI Software |
4 | 2019-20 | Propeller Technologies R&D Pvt Ltd |
We have 6 well maintained computer laboratories with highly equipped computers and the required software along with internet facility. Computer labs provide knowledge in Hardware, Networking, Open source environment, middleware technologies, Computer graphics, Object oriented concepts and Java, etc., to the students and promote them to develop the software and applications in a most efficient manner.
S No. | Company | Brand Logo | Type | Department | MOU pdf |
1 | 3Edge Solutions | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
2 | APT Training Solutions | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
3 | Datalogics India Private Limited | ![]() |
CORE | CSE | Click Here |
4 | Gamma Process Hub | ![]() |
ITES | CSE | Click Here |
5 | LITE Academy | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
6 | Soft Solutions 4 U | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
7 | Sparkle Soft Systems Private Limited | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
8 | Vega Intellisoft | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
9 | Ways Open Academy | ![]() |
IT | CSE | Click Here |
S.No | Name of the Student | Dept | Company Name | Sector | Salary Per Annum |
1 | Abinaya.S | CSE | FACE Prep | IT | 2.8 L |
2 | Abishake Gj | CSE | Preludesys | IT | 3.6 L |
3 | Adharsh N | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 3.2 L |
4 | Aishwarya B | CSE | Mphasis | IT | 3.6 L |
5 | Akhil Kumar M B | CSE | Avoudha Edutech | IT | 2.5 L |
6 | Akila S | CSE | Bahwan | IT | 3.4 L |
7 | Al Shaji.I | CSE | Intellect Design | IT | 8.0 L |
8 | Anand.C | CSE | Preludesys | IT | 3.6 L |
9 | Ananthi.N | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 3.2 L |
10 | Aniruddh.R.K. | CSE | Mphasis | IT | 4.2 L |
11 | Ashwin Balaji.S | CSE | Tring Apps | IT | 8.0 L |
12 | Aivinash.M | CSE | FACE Prep | IT | 2.8 L |
13 | Balarishi S | CSE | Capgemini | IT | 3.6 L |
14 | Bhuvaneshwari.V | CSE | CSS Corp | Voice &Non Voice | 3.4 L |
15 | Charan M | CSE | Dynaspede | IT | 3.2 L |
16 | Sudhakar Reddy Chathurya | CSE | TCS | IT | 8.0 L |
17 | Dalish Princa William | CSE | Mphasis | IT | 4.2 L |
18 | Delhi Babu. R | CSE | TCS | IT | 8.0 L |
19 | Desireddygari Chanikya | CSE | FACE Prep | IT | 2.8 L |
20 | Dhanush.B | CSE | Worksbot | IT | 3.2 L |
21 | Gokula Krishnan.R | CSE | Shreyas | IT | 4.2 L |
22 | Hemakumar.G | CSE | Infosys | IT | 5.2 L |
23 | Guhan.P | CSE | Kaar Technologies | IT | 2.5 L |
24 | Gurunath M | CSE | Dynaspede | IT | 4.5 L |
25 | Hemalatha.V | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 3.2 L |
26 | Hemapriya Tharshan.J | CSE | Preludesys | IT | 3.6 L |
27 | Jagriti Chatterjee | CSE | Tring Apps | IT | 8.0 L |
28 | Jayanth.S | CSE | Capgemini | IT | 3.6 L |
29 | Jayaram.G.S | CSE | Mphasis | IT | 3.4 L |
30 | Jothi Krishnan.K | CSE | Zoho | IT | 3.6 |
31 | Karthik.N | CSE | Kissflow | IT | 3.5 L |
32 | Kasthuri. A | CSE | Dynaspede | IT | 3.0 L |
33 | Keerthana. S | CSE | Bahwan | IT | 3.4 L |
34 | Jaswanth Reddy.M | CSE | Infosys | IT | |
35 | Mafishya Jaspher.J | CSE | TCS | IT | 8.0 L |
36 | Malathi.A | CSE | FACE Prep | IT | 2.8 L |
37 | Mohammed Alameen.A | CSE | Intellect Design | IT | 8.0 L |
38 | Mohanaselvi S | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 3.2 L |
39 | Monishwer Roshan B N | CSE | Capgemini | IT | 3.6 L |
40 | Mugesh P | CSE | Apisero | IT | 3.2 L |
41 | Nanthini K | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 3.2 L |
42 | Navaneetha Krishnan M | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 3.0 L |
43 | Nijanthan.D | CSE | Infotech Global India | IT | 8.0 L |
44 | Nithya Prakash A | CSE | Apisero Inc. | IT | 2.5 L |
45 | Nithya Shree S | CSE | Mphasis | IT | 8.0 L |
46 | Nivetha. M | CSE | Excelacom | IT | 3.5 L |
47 | Palavakam Charan | CSE | Wipro | IT | 3.4 L |
48 | Poojashree.D | CSE | Worksbot | IT | 3.2 L |
49 | Pooja Shree V | CSE | Intellect Design | IT | 8.0 L |
50 | Prasanth Kc | CSE | Capgemini | IT | 3.6 L |
51 | Rahul S | CSE | Concreate | IT | |
52 | Rakeshkumar T | CSE | Wipro | IT | 3.4 L |
53 | Rohini S | CSE | Capgemini | IT | 3.6 L |
54 | Rubavathi B | CSE | Mphasis | IT | 3.5 L |
55 | Sabarish.C | CSE | Qspider | IT | 8.0 L |
56 | Sakthivel N | CSE | Kumaran Systems | IT | 3.2 L |
57 | Santhosh M | CSE | Intellect Design | IT | 2.5 L |
58 | Santhosh Kumar D | CSE | Wipro | IT | |
59 | Sathish Kumar P | CSE | Kumaran Systems | IT | 3.4 L |
60 | Sathiyaseelan.P | CSE | Excelacom | IT | 3.5 L |
61 | Shalini.L | CSE | Worksbot | IT | 3.2 L |
62 | Shwetha P T | CSE | TCS | IT | 3.5 L |
63 | Sonia. P. V | CSE | Cognizant | IT | |
64 | Sophia David | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
65 | Sowmiya. J | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
66 | Swetha.G | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
67 | Tarun S | CSE | Excelacom | IT | 3.5 L |
68 | Thabeethal Agnes. A | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
69 | Thenmozhi. V | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
70 | Thiruvengadam.S | CSE | Rapid Data | IT | 3.2 L |
71 | Valluru Deekshitha | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
72 | Vignesh.R | CSE | Wipro | IT | 3.4 L |
73 | Vignesh S | CSE | Exelacom | IT | 3.5 L |
74 | Vikshara K | CSE | Excelacom | IT | 3.5 L |
75 | Vinodh Kumar R | CSE | Intellect Design | IT | 8.0 L |
76 | Yogesh K | CSE | FACE Prep | IT | 3.5 L |
77 | Yogeshwari N | CSE | Excelacom | IT | 3.5 L |
78 | Narmadha.S | CSE | Sutherland | Voice &Non Voice | 2.5 L |
S.No | Name of the Student | Dept | Company Name | Sector | Salary Per Annum |
1 | Adarsh.R | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
2 | Angeline.T | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
3 | Balayogashree.G | CSE | CSS | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
4 | Geethanjali.V | CSE | CSS | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
5 | Harish.V | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
6 | John Betson.J | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
7 | Joseph Naveen Kumar | CSE | HCL | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
8 | KarthikRaja.V | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
9 | Kowsalya.R | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
10 | Kowsalya.V | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
11 | Madhumitha.V | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
12 | Pavithra.B | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
13 | Prasanth.P | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
14 | Preethi.T | CSE | HCL | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
15 | Priya.S | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
16 | Priyanka.P | CSE | IDBI | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
17 | Ramya.R | CSE | HCL | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
18 | Ranjith Kumar.R | CSE | CSS | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
19 | Roseline.Y | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
20 | Santhosh Kumar.J | CSE | IDBI | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
21 | Sharath Kumar.L.R | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
22 | Shrihari.P | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
23 | Sindhuja.N | CSE | Main tech | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
24 | Sneha.D | CSE | IDBI | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
25 | Sri lakshmija.R | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
26 | Sri Sai Ganguly.T.P | CSE | Main tech | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
27 | Manikandan.V | CSE | Main tech | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
28 | Mohammed Ansari.R | CSE | CSS | IT | Rs.1,20,000 |
29 | Koustubh.N.V.S | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
30 | Yeshwanth.S | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
31 | Puneeth Sahadev | CSE | CSS | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
32 | Geetha.R | CSE | Sutherland Tech | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
33 | Maria Roger Kalvin | CSE | Hexaware | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
34 | Sarath Kumar.S | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
35 | Sham Kumar.R | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
36 | Roshine | CSE | Sutherland Tech | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
37 | Dinesh Kumar | CSE | Indium Software | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
S.No | Name of the Student | Dept | Company Name | Sector | Salary Per Annum |
1 | Ajith Kumar B | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
2 | Caroline D | CSE | Aagna Global | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
3 | Dhanalakshmi | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
4 | Divya R | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
5 | Hemalatha S | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
6 | Jeeva M | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
7 | Joshua Samuel I | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
8 | Juvi Raju | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
9 | Madhumathi R M | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
10 | Monica M | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
11 | Nousheen R | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
12 | Prasanna M S | CSE | Paragon Digital Services | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
13 | Praveen Kumar M | CSE | Zealous Services | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
14 | Rafana O | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
15 | Saranya G B | CSE | Zealous Services | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
16 | Selvarani.S | CSE | Aagna Global | IT | Rs.1,20,000 |
17 | Shanmuga Priya.A | CSE | Zealous Services | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
18 | Shanmuga Sundari.S | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
19 | Srinivasan R | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
20 | Sudharsan.T R | CSE | Paragon Digital Services | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
21 | Tandlam Vamsi Krishna | CSE | Paragon Digital Services | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
22 | Venkatachalapathy K | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
23 | Vignesh K | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
24 | Vignesh Sudhakar | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
25 | Vigneshwaran | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
26 | Vishnu V | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
27 | Yamuna Rani.P | CSE | Paragon Digital Services | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
28 | Ananthi T S | CSE | Aagna Global | IT | Rs.1,20,000 |
41 | Kousalya T | CSE | Zealous Services | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
29 | Atshaya Chella Sowparnika P | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
30 | Divyapriya K | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
31 | Kavitha S | CSE | Paragon Digital Services | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
32 | Kodeeswari L K | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
33 | Priyanka J | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
34 | Rosan Benazar M | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
35 | Vishali.N T | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
36 | Arun V | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
37 | Bhuvaneswary V K | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
38 | Damodharan K | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
39 | Kerthivasan T S | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
40 | Lokeshwaran R | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
42 | Om Durga O | CSE | Sensiple | IT | Rs.2,40,000 |
43 | Sowmiya S | CSE | Zealous Services | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
44 | Sree Aadithya J S | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
45 | Swathi.S | CSE | Paragon Digital Services | IT | Rs.1,80,000 |
46 | Sujatha | CSE | Maintec | IT | Rs.1,50,000 |
47 | Aswitha S | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
48 | Mahibala K | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
49 | Sanjay Kumar C | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
50 | Sellipriyanga C | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
51 | Udhayasuriyan | CSE | Aegis Limited | IT | Rs.1,40,000 |
52 | Anupriya M | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
53 | Karthikeyan K | CSE | E Noah I Solutions | IT | Rs.1,76,000 |
S.No | Staff Name | Subject | Unit | Name Of the Topic | Links |
1. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
4 |
System Testing | https://youtu.be/8g8hVxXJ9Qk |
2. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
1 |
Software Process And Agile Development | https://youtu.be/fE6MrNTD2Ak |
3. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
1 |
Component Of Computer System | https://youtu.be/ULC8ThLc6tc |
4. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
1 |
Computer Performance | https://youtu.be/nCUPlkEENWY |
5. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
4 |
Agent Architecture | https://youtu.be/ParxmW7rWWo |
6. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
1 |
Extreme Programming | https://youtu.be/ODb0ilpKxgQ |
7. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
1 |
Addressing Mode | https://youtu.be/jubIOiW7bjQ |
8. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
1 |
Logic Instructions | https://youtu.be/GEOeFX3eyxU |
9. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
5 |
Cache Mapping | https://youtu.be/Gt7eLo70B6I |
10. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
5 |
Virtual Memory | https://youtu.be/SFGxdmsCXLw |
11. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
5 |
Bus Arbitration | https://youtu.be/XISlwy04hac |
12. | Mrs.K.Varalakshmi | Compiler Design |
4 |
Predictive Passing | https://youtu.be/q0L_BFWv5r0 |
13. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
4 |
Graphics Processing Units | https://youtu.be/Z5FBX-lJgMg |
14. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
4 |
Maximum Matching In Bipartite Graph | https://youtu.be/J48D_VwIvIM |
15. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
4 |
Maximum Matching In Bipartite Graph | https://youtu.be/sSOK9STyuBY |
16. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
4 |
Maximum Flow Problem Using Ford Fulkerson Method | https://youtu.be/Cxt3NQyrlMg |
17. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
5 |
Planning STRIPS | https://youtu.be/udDPjN2i3xY |
18. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
4 |
Maximum Flow Problem | https://youtu.be/maNGviZeIIk |
19. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
5 |
Travelling Salesman Problem Using Branch & Bound | https://youtu.be/pqkyxO5-HNo |
20. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
5 |
Travelling Salesman Problem Using Branch & Bound | https://youtu.be/H5n8NgQE0is |
21. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
5 |
Travelling Salesman Problem Using Branch & Bound | https://youtu.be/_XWEcQGh2XQ |
22. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
4 |
Business Process Reengineering | https://youtu.be/wR3DWQU7sqc |
23. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
4 |
Hardware Multithreading | https://youtu.be/8dvww2boApU |
24. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
5 |
Memory Unit | https://youtu.be/dGn0EeTcFDk |
25. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
4 |
Debugging | https://youtu.be/Vz29lFN-aPk |
26. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
4 |
Reengineering Process | https://youtu.be/5il5QaCjx68 |
27. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
5 |
XML Database | https://youtu.be/q6Y3o5UkOEE |
28. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
5 |
Indexing And Hashing | https://youtu.be/tK7s2PJojuw |
29. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
4 |
Indexing: B Tree, B+ Tree | https://youtu.be/dVMR9xWXWhA |
30. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
2 |
BCNF,4NF,5NF | https://youtu.be/Y81CiUNQhQk |
31. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
2 |
Normalisation | https://youtu.be/ujcE8_YQI18 |
32. | Ms.V.Kavitha | Internet Programming |
3 |
Servlet | https://youtu.be/SfiIbReQfA4 |
33. | Ms.R.Selvi | Mobile Competing |
3 |
Manet | https://youtu.be/tTy0UYB9Z5U |
34. | Mrs.Vinitha | Programming In C |
3 |
Nesting Functions And Recursion | https://youtu.be/xAgJAuL1NuY |
35. | Mrs.Vinitha | Programming In C |
3 |
Parameter Passing Methods | https://youtu.be/GWxVMvzg-xY |
36. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
3 |
Deadlock | https://youtu.be/C63YOLKlj7c |
37. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
4 |
Software Testing Strategies | https://youtu.be/fnHl4yKUyms |
38. | Mrs.K.Varalakshmi | Compiler Design |
2 |
CLR And LALR Parser | https://youtu.be/N9IGDLIoElA |
39. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
4 |
Review And Architecture Of Intelligent Agents | https://youtu.be/A8yF-9J6sfE |
40. | Mrs.K.Varalakshmi | Compiler Design |
2 |
CLR Parser | https://youtu.be/xC9SahBeaKI |
41. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
5 |
Information Extraction | https://youtu.be/HoTT3lITAto |
42. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
5 |
Information Extraction | https://youtu.be/tkN9s7a8P4E |
43. | Ms.Princlin | Database Management System |
3 |
Transaction Concepts | https://youtu.be/ZFXm2T0SmBA |
44. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
5 |
Information Extraction | https://youtu.be/McpGwvCd-qQ |
45. | Mr.Antony Kumar | Distributed System |
1 |
Logical Clock Synchronization | https://youtu.be/g8-yjiAqndA |
46. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
4 |
Flynns Classification | https://youtu.be/TONv3jfraJw |
47. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
5 |
Project Management | https://youtu.be/Apq7cU5BdCw |
48. | Ms.R.Selvi | Mobile Computing |
3 |
Dhcp | https://youtu.be/vz-rJ23ZBq0 |
49. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Architecture |
5 |
Interrupts | https://youtu.be/LbinVxWGgg0 |
50. | Ms.V Kavitha | Internet Programming |
2 |
Javascript | https://youtu.be/zfVKO4eRLt4 |
51. | S.Nancy Priya | Compiler Design |
2 |
Lr Parser And Slr Parser | https://youtu.be/GwW41RK0tjI |
52. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
Review | https://youtu.be/bF7QZm9OoOc |
53. | S.Nancy Priya | Compiler Design |
2 |
Lr(0) Parser | https://youtu.be/GwW41RK0tjI |
54. | Ms.Kalaselvi | Software Engineering |
4 |
Software Impementation Tec Hniques | |
55. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Compiler Design |
2 |
Lr Parser | https://youtu.be/LSBXOTBvZQ4 |
56. | Ms.Lekha | Data Warehousing And Data Mining |
1 |
Review | https://youtu.be/3PaJH86Mhnw |
57. | Ms.R.Selvi | Mobile Computing |
1 |
Introduction | https://youtu.be/fDoD6cjOH9w |
58. | Mr.Amtony Kumar | Distributed System |
Clock Synchronization | https://youtu.be/BfJdeCE8U1Y |
59. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
4 |
Simplex Method | https://youtu.be/BJ0CYI4DI3U |
60. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
4 |
Simplex Method Using LPP | https://youtu.be/QME_rfWhmQE |
61. | Mr.Vasantha Raja | Operating System |
5 |
Dns Linux | https://youtu.be/E6vGdjYNT7Y |
62. | Mr.Vasantha Raja | Operating System |
5 |
Linux Server Malfunction | https://youtu.be/sM56BlAqr0E |
63. | Ms.Vaishnavi | Internet Programming |
5 |
AJAX | https://youtu.be/x22XbRJ1me8 |
64. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Archeticture |
5 |
Direct Memory Access | https://youtu.be/jZBLkh5_zy4 |
65. | Mr.S.Saravanan | Computer Archeticture |
5 |
Usb | https://youtu.be/MrOdIqd5TeI |
66. | Ms.S.Nancy Priya | Design & Analysis Of Algorithms |
5 |
Assignment Problem Using Branch And Bound | https://youtu.be/pLMwgz1Nl3Q |
67. | Mr.Karthikeyan | Artificial Intelligence |
1 |
Review | https://youtu.be/RfwDEVTtSIA |
68. | Mr.Antony Kumar | Distributed System |
5 |
Review | https://youtu.be/RnpVWz3N9mw |
69. | Mr.Vasantha Raja | Operating System |
5 |
Case Study Of Linux | https://youtu.be/jWGCQrDiXqU |
70. | Sample Video | https://youtu.be/g3Gjgq2MUGU |
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