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A one day workshop on “Personality Development Programme” was organized by ECE, PERI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Chennai, on 21.09.2014. The main objective of the Workshop was to familiarize participants with the emerging ideas and trends on how to develop personality in the 21st century contexts. The programme also aimed to teach participants to work with various professionals, people and groups to understand the meaning of life and work in the present context; to enhance their communication skills and interpersonal skills in order to function in professional and social settings effectively; to enrich the academic language skills (writing and presentation skills) for academic writing and presentations; to understand effective planning, time management and implementation for setting goals and achieving both personal and professional goals; to learn to evaluate oneself (self appraisal and introspection) for further growth, personally and professionally
The session started with “Understanding oneself: personality” by Mr.R.Pandurangan, PMP, CQA, CSTE,Head - Quality & Business Assurance Steria (India) Limited. In this session participants interacted themselves in such a way that each participant introduced his/her next person so as to understand one’s personality very briefly. Mr.R.Pandurangan delivered his speech on “Living in the 21st Century: twenty first century skills”. He pointed out how do we learn, live & work in this century. Participants were asked to present different skills of 21st century (according to them) in groups of 4 or 5 participants.
The session ended by participant’s feedback and questionnaires.